Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Relajado en el 337

Relajado en el 337
Originally uploaded by Skymaster.
Watch this guy coming back from Zihuatanejo!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Relajado en el 337

Relajado en el 337
Originally uploaded by Skymaster.
A Zihuatanejo con la familia Darvasi.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Fly XB-IXP! Fly!

Morning haze over Atizapan
Originally uploaded by Skymaster.
Ok, finally the first flight with the mexican registration! A local flight and the inevitable low-level gear-up top-speed pass over the runway marked the mexican citizenship flight of this great T337. I wish I could have seen this from the ground, but I was busy flying the plane! Too bad Andres was not around, but my girl and my sister enjoyed the flight very much. The sun was falling and the air was still, no wind and a landing on rwy 22. Welcome to your new era, XB-IXP...

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Popocatépetl Volcano in eruption...

Check this out! Last winter in Mexico city... or at least flying above it, I captured this most beautiful image of the volcanoes (Iztaccíhuatl is the other one in the picture) just east of the macropolis. The haze covers the city, but it is there, believe me. Don´t you want to visit this one city?

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

My friend Andres

Originally uploaded by Skymaster.
He is not that young, he is not that experienced in flying planes (though he is a very good pilot), but believe me... He is one of the greatest, coolest and smartest guys I ever found. Used to high responsibility and with no much more patience than me (which is not that much) he has a hands-on approach to life that is beyond my energy. Sometimes he makes me feel a little old! During our long trip from Colorado Springs to Mexico city in the Skymaster, not even once could I take my bag out of the plane. Sometimes my girlfriend called right after landing, sometimes I was just enjoying a stretch after flying the plane, but no matter what, right away, right there, as I turned my head for the plane to take my stuff out, there he was with the plane already closed and my bags and his, down and ready. No time to waste!
And in a society where nobody likes or even feel inclined to share both experience and assets, this guy is a real find. Not to mention his beautiful (and patient) family. Ah yes, and he is never late for anything...